20 feet tall : Intro


“But if I get off my knees, I might recall I’m 20 feet tall”

Howdy! 👋

The title of this blog is an ode to the opening song on my favourite Badu album (don’t come for me lol)- 20 feet tall. There’s a particular line in the song owing to my inspiration to start this blog:

“But if I get off my knees, I might recall I’m 20 feet tall”

And joss like dah I’d found something that resonated with how I’d been feeling and I believe it addresses something we’ve all felt at one point, that is – forgetting who you are, getting lost in the sauce and shrinking away. I think with the pressure for routine creativity (craps), insecurity and the disease that is comparison, we can forget who we are and what we’re meant to be doing. This is also a lil nudge to anyone going back and forth with themselves about an idea or project – omo just start! Some call it purpose, others passion and despite how the peaks and troughs (periods for study & mastership) of life can weather a person, you’ve got to be steadfast in the fact you weren’t sent here to hide.

This blog is my commitment to share my love of philosophy with others, meanwhile being very aware of how little I know. I made this as a means of facilitating conversation on certain topics that may elude us on a daily level. If you know me, I love a good discussion and even more so if its philosophically inclined.This blog is essentially going to be a culmination of musings on a variety of topics peppered with all kinds of references (for the culture). I encourage you to go out and read up further on anything that piques your interest and will endeavour to leave an ‘Ave a Gander list at the end of every blog post. There will be disclaimers in this blog as again these are my views so it will be plenty subjective, but then the essence of philosophy is for a conversation to ensue.

“Dialectic draws the mind upwards”

A lil bit about me, I have a tendency to wax poetic but I hope you’ll be able to flow with me on this. I love philosophy and as such am fascinated with the abstract and metaphysical that transcends the mundane. My philosophy posts will be a mixture of whimsical, analytical and where possible a breakdown of the premises structuring said argument. Philosophy for me is moreso about the argument although a good concrete conclusion is always great. But as the nature of philosophy is the love of knowledge and therefore the seeking of it, the journey is more important than the destination and you’re free to come to your own conclusions.

This blog is lastly about intentionality, that is being intentional with my writing and nurturing that urge to share. Sharing knowledge is a form of immortality and through this blog I aim to share lil nuggets from my corner of world. 20 feet tall is first and foremost for me but hey sharing, nurturing and intentionality right? So its for you too!
I want to hear your thoughts.. so talk to meh

And the writer emerges

– a soft lavender

Disclaimer : my posts will be signed off by different aliases each week because I meannn, who doesn’t love a good alias!

**my header is a preliminary idea for my blog soo watch this space, as its going to be a work in progress that’ll transform week by week eventually (hopefully) emerging as a lavender digital masterpiece

‘Ave a gander

For my budding philosophers this is a good start: Sophie’s World