OMNI: The One With Many Names

OMNI: The One With Many Names

Welcome back philosophers! This week we’ll be stepping into the realm of theology ( I mean it’s only natural as philosophers right, what with seeking knowledge and all!). We’ll be pondering an introduction to the Divine to consider not only the existence of God but the attributes of God pertaining to His many names.


What’s in a name ? In the problem of identity we consider  all the things we are and all the things we aren’t.

When initially asked who you are you may primarily answer with your name. But our names for the most part may give little indication as to who we are, but rather shed light on our cultural background, familial profession, family relations or the circumstances surrounding our birth.

Let’s take the Yoruba culture for example, most names with the prefix Ayo, Ade, Fola, Olu or Oluwa point to a Yoruba origin. The names Taiwo and Kehinde are given to twins so chances are if you’ve ever met a Taiwo or a Kehinde – they’re a twin. Taiwo means “having the first taste of the world” whilst Kehinde means “arriving after the other” although it’s  thought Kehinde is the eldest and having the authority sent Taiwo out to view the world first. A mother of twins would be called Iya Ibeji, Ibeji being the name of the Yoruba orishas. A majority of Yoruba names in their entirety are statements and tend to glorify God or the niceties of this life; here are a few examples:

  • Oluwatobi God is great
  • Oluwafemi God loves me 
  • Oluwaseun We thank God
  • Yewande Mother has returned

My name is Deborah, but is that who I am? Is the name itself me? No. Prinicipally because if I was named Coconut I would still be me.

Deborah is a Hebrew name meaning bee but is also biblical and she was a great judge and prophetess in Israel ( you can read all about this wonder woman in Judges 4-5) . Although the name means bee, the bearer of the name we can invariably agree is not a bee so again, what’s in a name ?

You may be thinking, why look to something as banal as a name concerning the problem of identity. If we are to consider an example from a previous post, a ship called the SS Ophy gradually has all it’s parts replaced but still bears the same name, is it still the same ship ? In order to consider it to be the same ship there would have to be something constant about it that did not change. On a ship there are different names given to the different counterparts of the ship such as the bow, the stern, the sails etc. These names simply describe functioning parts or facets of the ship just as God is the constant and we use names to identify and relate to certain facets of Him.

If we are to gain clarity, piecing together parts gradually -we can put together a picture in an ATTEMPT to understand God in his entirety. Again, I will stress with our limited sensory faculty and imperfect ways of knowing it is almost impossible to know God in His entirety (except through diligent seeking which can be likened to the philosophers life long pursuit of knowledge)

Knowledge = Truth = Freedom

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” John 8:32


Names in the Bible were generally given on a premise relating to certain events that occured for example the place where God provided a sacrificial lamb in the place of Isaac was named Jehovah jireh which means The Lord will see or provide. (Genesis 22:14)

*** Interestingly this passage can be considered an allegory for the provision of a purer sacrificial lamb; Jesus Christ.

Omni: ALL 

The three characteristics focused on by theologists are those said to distinguish the attributes of a deity.

  • Omnipresence everywhere; constantly encountered 
  • Omnipotence all powerful
  • Omniscience all knowing 

Namely we’ll be exploring the Judeo-Christian God and the many names by which we come to understand His attributes. Now you may ask how names could possibly give us any insight or feasible explanation for the existence of a supposed supreme being. To which I say…

YHWH : Yahweh

This is how it’s pronounced in Hebrew and translates as “I am”. The name insinuates existence but causes us to question the origin/ beginning of God. This name essentially calls into question the premise of time. A God that is, always was and always will be is essentially the meaning of this name and the attribute it calls upon is omnipresence.  Time as a creation by God is a constant and a being outside of that which it created is even more so constant and powerful- omnipotence.

Yahweh. I am. God is (being).

Jehovah – “ The I am that I am” 

This is a transliteration of Yahweh which is considered the holiest name of God and as such was never written or spoken deeming it very difficult to know definitely how to pronounce it.

If God created the universe, who created God? 

An explanation for creation – The Big Bang interestingly excludes the idea of a Creator, postulating that the Creator would have to have a creator and infinitum. When examining this we can look to the understanding of YHWH: He who was, and is and is to come; outside of time.

*** observation

Humans seem to have a false sense of sovereignty, as conscious and aware beings our remarks and retorts on life (being unable to be contested by any other intelligent life form) seems to be widely accepted as truth and anything outside our comprehension or understanding simply isn’t plausible. This is what I like to call uncontested ignorance. Although we were created in the image of God and the heavenly hosts, we DO NOT possess the scope and understanding of infinite beings. The single thing worse than a lie – is a half truth simply by virtue of it being partly true and as a result all the moreso misleading.

We in the modern era, exist in social media echo chambers and tight knit communities which are simply a microcosm of the echo chamber which is Earth. We fail to grasp or contemplate truth when we simply pat the backs of those who spew the same ideas with different syntax. To believe that a book written by over 40 authors is truly the word of God seems ludicrous but in a world where the inhabitants can only grasp so much, a seemingly constant reference such as the Bible ( mind you the problem of translation is valid) would appear the best feat.


Adonai : a Hebrew word meaning Lord.

Abba : meaning Father, this is one of the facets of God many people question pertaining to the Trinity and even more pedantically the gender of God. This term on a level helps us to picture and a more intimate understanding of Father in relation to how we relate with God.

In a further post, I’ll be exploring these names and how we can attempt to grasp God through the understanding of the corresponding characteristics.


If anything, let a conversation ensue on God, His existence and any other existential questions relating to the Divine. I hope this encourages you to go out and do your own research, phish out the lies, unearth the half truths and seek your own understanding. Ultimately an experience of God or lack thereof is your choice but in everything seek knowledge.

Knowledge = Truth = Freedom

– the observer

’Ave a gander

For your viewing pleasure:

YT Video: Creation Argument for the existence of God Kent Hovind

For your listening pleasure:

  • When I Look Into Your Holiness T.D Jakes & The Potters House Choir
  • Us Chris McClenney
  • Why Don’t You Cleo Sol
  • Prayer D’Angelo
  • Vivid Dreams KAYTRANADA ft. River Tiber
  • Didn’t Cha Know Erykah Badu 
  • Your Potential/ The Beyond Flying Lotus
  • Olori Oko Infinity